<>What is a housing application?
Please be aware. As from Thursday 28th June The Royal Borough will now only register housing application forms from people who have lived in the borough for the past five years. Do not complete this form if you have lived outside the borough at any stage in the last five years.
These notes are intended to help you complete the online housing application form.
The notes follow the same order as the questions on the form and provide more information if you are unsure about a question. Where appropriate examples of possible answers are given.
Section A - About you
This section of the form is intended to capture information about you. You should enter your surname (family name), your title Mr, Mrs etc, your sex (male or female).
This section also requires you to enter your National Insurance number. National Insurance Numbers are usually 9 digits long and follow this format: KS 39 25 48 C. You can find your National Insurance number on your National Insurance card, wage slip or benefit book.
You also need to provide your ethnic origin. We ask applicants to tell us this information so we can check that we are delivering our services fairly to all sections of the community. There are also some specialist housing schemes where we would need to know someone's ethnic origin, such as a sheltered scheme for Asian elders.
The information we ask for relating to languages and disability helps us provide a service to suit our customers' needs.
Section A - Address details
We need to know where you have lived for the last five years. Please enter your address details in this section. You must provide full details of each address you enter. Each field is defined in the list below:
* Building number - the number of the property if you live in a block of flats
* Block name - the name of the block if you live in a block of flats
* Street number - the door number if you live at an address without either of the above
* Street - the street the property is in
* Area - the area the property is in i.e Woolwich
* Postcode - the postcode of the property
Section A - Main applicant further details
We ask for information on your immigration status as we have to ensure that you are eligible to to join the housing register. Depending on the information you supply it may be necessary for you to provide additional information.
In additon to this information please let us know whether you or anyone moving with you needs help with day-to-day living, perhaps because of a mental health problem, a physical disability or a learning disability. This information may help us to look for the most suitable accommodation. We can also make a referral to the Housing Resettlement Team, who can provide support to people in this situation.
You will need to have a medical assessment if you or another member of your householdhas an illness or a disability made significantly worse by where you live. You will also need to be assessed if you have a disability that means you need a home that has been specially adapted.
If you need a medical assessment, you will need to complete a Medical/Disability form. This can be obtained by contacting Access & Allocations on 020 8921 2941.
Once the form is completed it will be sent to the Council's Medical Advisor for an assessment.
Section C - Current circumstances
We need to know how you occupy your current home. Explanations of the possible answers to this question are given below:
* Other registered social landlord tenant - renting accommodation from a social landlord which is not a housing association.
* A private rented tenant or licensee - renting accommodation from an individual landlord or private company.
* A home owner - if you are buying or own your current address.
* A lodger - if you share with a resident landlord to whom you pay rent.
* A tied or service tenant- if your housing is connected to your current job such as a resident caretaker.
* A licensee in temporary accommodation- for The Royal Borough of Greenwich or another local authority.
* A licensee in supported accommodation- if you live in a building where support workers have an office or where they visit at least once a week to make sure the people living there are well.
* You are a young person in care and now need a home of your own.
We also need to know the type of property you currently live in. The Council defines properties as follows:
* A house has living rooms downstairs and bedrooms upstairs.
* A bedsit has a living room and bedroom combined into one room.
* Most flats are part of purpose built blocks but some are self-contained homes within converted large houses.
* Maisonettes are self-contained homes which have atleast one flight of internal stairs. They may be part of a block or a converted house.
* A Bungalow has one storey only.
* Sheltered accommodation is for people over 60 years of age.
* Other: This could be any other type of home such as a prefab or mobile home that does not fit into any of the above categories.
Section D - Other Housing Options
Sheltered housing is for people who are over 60 years old. If you want to find out more about sheltered housing you can do so here
Older people's flats are found in small blocks throughout The Royal Borough of Greenwich. Most of these blocks do not have a lift. They are only offered to applicants who are over 50 years of age. They do not have a scheme manager or any other resident support.
Housing association accommodation The Royal Borough of Greenwich has an agreement with most housing associations in the borough. Applicants registered with the Council for housing may be nominated for a specific property owned by a hosuing association. You can find out more about housing associations here
Mutual exchange within The Royal Borough of Greenwich A mutual exchange is where two tenant's swap properties. Tenants decide between themsleves if they want to swap but must have the Council's permission before proceeding. You can exchange your home with a tenant of another landlord, such as a housing association, if both landlords agree.
You can find out more about mutual exchanges here
Smaller Property We may be able to give you some priority for rehousing if you are a Royal Borough of Greenwich tenant and are willing to accept a smaller property. You can find out more here